Your First Visit
Before coming into our office, please fill out all paperwork sent to you and return it to us prior to your visit. If we feel for some reason it is not safe for you to come in to Mend we will let you know and give you the option for a Tele-Health appointment.
When arriving at Mend please wait at the front door for a practitioner to greet you and go over your intake questionnaire. We will then take your temperature.
All practitioners at Mend will wear proper PPE gear, wash hands repeatedly, sanitize the office before and after each patient, have HEPA filters running at all times, and will schedule only 1 patient per hour to assist in social distancing.
If you have a life-threatening autoimmune issue, are undergoing chemo, or have been recently ill, please let us know so our staff can wear masks and use proper precautions.
Upon entering the treatment room we will discuss the comprehensive intake form. This form asks questions about your current state of health, past illnesses, and family history. These questions are important because the holistic approach of Oriental Medicine takes everything into account. Your current symptoms may not seem related to past health issues, but our bodies are complex landscapes and everything that happens to them leaves its mark.
After reviewing your intake form we will discuss your condition and I will examine your pulse and tongue – which are two of the basic diagnostic methods of Eastern Medicine. The acupuncture points I choose will depend on your condition, but you can expect approximately 20 needles. Once the needles are inserted, I will leave you to lie comfortably on a heated table for 20-30 minutes. In addition, a Light Therapy dome will be offered to augment your treatment if you choose, at no extra charge. Many people find acupuncture treatment deeply relaxing, and it is not uncommon for patients to fall asleep during this time. Please do take a nap!
Our Waiting Room
Treatment Room #1
Treatment Room #2
Treatment Room #3
Call 323-459-2000 or
To Make An Appointment.
Mend is located in the heart of Los Feliz Village (adjacent to Silverlake, Glendale, Eagle Rock, Echo Park, Highland Park, Studio City, Koreatown, Burbank, the Hollywood Hills, and Hollywood)
* There is plenty of street parking as well as 1 hour parking across the street at Albertson's.